Wedding Gown
Restoration Specialists
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Vintage Gown Restoration
Heirloom Gown Preservation & Vintage Gown Restoration
If you have always dreamed of wearing the family gown, but it is yellowed and stained, call us! Unlike ordinary dry cleaners, we know how to restore antique gowns and vintage bridal gowns to the true color without damaging delicate fabrics and laces.
A family wedding gown or a vintage veil or one of those special gowns you or someone in your family wore as a child can be refreshed and returned to its true beauty for your special day. You can trust us to give your vintage wedding gown or family gown the care it needs.
Consult with our Certified Wedding Gown Specialists™ about caring for your vintage wedding gown and other vintage clothing. Consultations are free. Ask about alterations and suggestions for redesigning the family gown to make it your very own. They can also help you turn your wedding gown into a christening gown or work with you on special projects, such as putting a family gown on display at a wedding reception or anniversary celebration.
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